2008年,房地产市场泡沫破裂! 下一个是二手车市场吗?

In the mid to late 2000s, I think we all knew a storm was brewing. How can homeowners owe $365,000 on their $325,000 houses? 好吧,我们很痛苦地发现,你不能. 

房地产市场崩溃了, 房主失去了他们的房子, 银行也遭受了一些重大损失.  

现在,快进到2021年. 难道我们没有吸取过去的教训吗? 又来了. 市场抬高了二手车的价格, and banks are offering five-year loans on used vehicles with 75,000英里. 听起来像是房地产市场泡沫. 我能猜出需求vs. 供给是驱动因素. 

让我们做一些数学运算. The 75,000-mile vehicle bought today will potentially have 99,000 miles in two years. You paid $25,000 for that vehicle today and still owe $18,000 on it when it has 99,000 miles on it. By the way, the rise in interest rates is not helping this storm brewing. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like that math.  

Are we sticking our heads in the sand about what is coming? We can’t predict the future, but we can learn from the past. It is going to be an interesting ride while the average family struggles to afford a new vehicle at these prices and the push for electric vehicles (“EV”) keeps coming.

关于电动汽车,我们可以继续说下去. The interesting part about EVs is two-thirds of drivers don’t even park in the same parking spot every day. Until we figure out the charging infrastructure, it appears the demand for used vehicles will be t在这里, but will these vehicles last as long as we need them before people start defaulting on their loans?

We will continue to monitor used vehicle prices and our LIFO approach. 点击 在这里 to learn about our LIFO approach in this new era. 系好安全带——会很有趣的. 伸出手去 史蒂夫·巴伯 或者任何 SD汽车顾问 为了进一步讨论这个问题.


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